Committees follow a format to maintain order. Committees are expected to begin with a short ice breaker followed by committee sessions.
The Chair or Co-Chair will call out countries/positions and mark if they are present. Delegates are expected to respond with "present" or "present and voting" when they hear their country or positions. Delegates will call present if they might abstain from a vote and will call "present and voting" if they do not wish to ever abstain from a vote in the entire committee.
A committee shall decide for the Setting of an Agenda in the following manner:
i) The Presiding Officer shall call for any Points or Motions on the floor, to which a delegate can rise to a 'Motion to Set the Agenda to [Topic]'.
ii) The Presiding Officer shall call (only) for those who are against the Motion. If there is any opposition then there shall be One For, One Against the topic area, both to a maximum of one minute each.
iii) This shall be followed by an Informal Vote with a Simple Majority for the motion to pass. If the motion fails then the second topic area automatically is set for discussion and if there is no second agenda, then the council moves into an Emergency Debate.
A Speakers' List is automatically opened and remains open throughout the discussion of the topic area unless the committee chooses to move into a Moderated Caucus or an Unmoderated Caucus. A Speakers' List is a place where a delegate expresses their country's stand on the topic area. The time limit is set to one minute per delegate. At least 10 speakers should be exhausted, alphabetically, for the floor to open to other Motions. Delegates can yield in a General Speakers List.
Yields are utilized at the end of a speech in the Speakers List. Yields cannot be exercised during any other part of the debate. Yields are not compulsory, and a delegate has the following ways of yielding:
This yield is used when the delegate is willing to be asked a question for the remainder of their time. A delegate can Yield to Question, wherein one Question can be asked and maximum of two follow ups can be entertained with the permission of the Presiding Officer. Presiding Officer(s) have an option to ask questions to the delegates.
This yield is used when a delegate is giving the remainder of their time to another delegate (this can only be used once in one speaker's time)
A delegate can Yield to Comment, wherein the Presiding Officer can recognize one 30-second comment. This comment should be in relation to the speech made by the Speaker.
This yield is used when a delegate does not want to use the remainder of their time and the committee passes on to the next delegate.
These are used when a delegate wants to have a moderated debate on a specific topic for a set period of time. A Moderated Caucus is the formal form of debate wherein a detailed discussion on a sub-topic of the main agenda happens and the main reason for starting a Moderated Caucus is to know the committee's opinion on such an issue. A delegate can Motion for a Moderated Caucus in the following manner: 'Motion to open a Moderated Caucus to discuss [Sub-topic] for the total time duration [max. 10 minutes] and time per speaker [max. 1 minute]'. A Motion for a Moderated Caucus requires a Simple Majority to pass and can be passed through an Informal Vote. In case of multiple motions, with 5 being maximum, the Presiding Officer shall decide on which one to put to vote first. A Moderated Caucus can be started in the middle of the Speakers' list.
These are used for delegates to talk freely for a set period of time. An Unmoderated Caucus is the informal form of debate and is raised when the committee feels the need to discuss or decide upon a particular issue in an informal way. A delegate can call for an Unmoderated Caucus in the following manner: 'Motion to open an Unmoderated Caucus for the [Purpose] and the time duration [max. 10+5 minutes]'. A Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus requires a Simple Majority to pass and can be passed through an Informal Vote. This motion can be raised for a maximum of 10 minutes for Lobbying and be extended by another 5 minutes for preparing Resolutions. It can be raised for the following two purposes:
ii)Preparing the Resolution
When the floor is open a delegate can raise a point or motion. To raise a point a delegate must raise their placard, chairs have discretion over who to call on. Once a delegate is called on they should say "point of " . The chair will ask follow-up questions.
Examples of Points Include :
This can be used if the speaker opens the floor for questions. Delegates must make it clear to whom they are directing their point of clarification.
Delegates can make this point when another delegate is violating Rules of Procedure. This is the only point that can disrupt a delegate's speech. This can also be made if the delegate speaking uses incorrect pronouns when referring to someone in the committee.
This point can be made at any point when someone is not speaking for when something outside of the committee interferes with the delegates' ability to properly participate in the committee. This can also be used to be added to the speakers' list
Delegates may Raise their Hand if they wish to clarify any factual inaccuracy in a delegate's speech. If one finds that another delegate has misstated a particular fact after the completion of the delegate's speech, one may ask for valid documentation supporting the delegate's facts.
This can be used in extremely rare circumstances where your national sovereignty or integrity is threatened by someone's speech.
This is used to begin the committee session.(These are to be said as formality to start the debate officially)
This is used to end a session, if this motion is used for a break say "motion to adjourn until [time]".
This is used when a delegate wants a moderated caucus
This is used when a delegate wants an unmoderated caucus
This is used when a delegate wants to open a General Speakers List
This is used when a delegate wants to introduce a draft resolution
This is used when a resolution fails due to the number of abstentions and is always entertained and requires all countries to vote yes or no.
Motions are voted on from most to least disruptive. In a procedural vote, there are no abstentions meaning all delegates must vote. The voting procedure is overseen by the chair. The order of motions is:
1. Points (personal privilege, order or parliamentary inquiry)
3. Right of Reply (once approved by the chair)
5. Calling Draft Resolutions to Vote
7. Introducing Draft Resolutions
9. Voting on Amendments
11. Introducing Amendments
2. Introducing Working Papers
4. Unmoderated Caucuses
6. Moderated Caucuses
8. Adjourning the Meeting
10. Closing the Meeting
Resolutions are collaborative documents written in committee, they may be written before the committee begins and they must have at least one author and three sign It is the solution to the entire agenda. The Voting on the introduction of the Resolution for debate can be done in an Informal manner, however, the voting regarding the passing of the Resolution must be done through the Formal Voting procedure. The Resolution has to be according to the prescribed format as mentioned below. In case of multiple resolutions being brought to the Presiding Officer at the same time, the one with a greater number of signatories shall be put first to the committee for voting. A maximum of 2 resolutions can be made in the committee.
An Author is a person who writes the Resolution, structures and ideates over it.
The authors must abide by the Resolution. A minimum of 1 Author is required for the Resolution and there is no limit on the maximum number, subject to fulfilling the criterion of signatories. An Author cannot vote against the Resolution.
Signatories are those who give consent only to discuss the Resolution in the council and can exercise their voting rights the way they please. A minimum of 3 signatories are required for the Resolution to be considered.
Resolutions go through a variety of steps to go from a working paper to a resolution.
This is the document when it is being worked on in committee by delegates but not been looked at by chairs.
This is when the document has not been voted on but has been introduced to the chair, this is the time where amendments can be proposed.
Voting procedure happens once a resolution is introduced. Once it is entered no one may enter or exit the room. The resolution and any amendments will be read out loud, then up to two people may speak for the resolution, and up to two people may speak against the resolution. After this, the resolution will be voted on, delegates may abstain, vote yes, or vote no. Any amendments will be voted on before the resolution is voted on. After voting on one resolution the committee will either proceed to another or exit voting procedure.
This is an informal talk on a multilateral forum. It is raised when a delegate wants to Challenge another delegate over a particular issue for a specified period of time; this may be over a particular sub-topic or Country policy. It can also be used as a dispute resolution technique by delegates. This is an informal one on one debate and requires only an approval from the Presiding Officer. A delegate may Motion for it in the following manner: 'Motion to Challenge the delegate/delegation of [Country] over [topic area] for a time duration of [Max. 3 minutes].'
This is when the committee cannot decide on a particular issue or is divided on the question and therefore before the final vote needs to hear both sides of the argument. This can be extended to a Two For and Two Against. The Time limit for each speaker is 1 minute.
This is required only for passing a Resolution and takes place in the following manner. A resolution passes if it has a Special Majority.
All delegates have an option between choosing:
a) Yes
b) No
c) Abstain
Informal voting is required for passing of various motions during the course of the debate. It is conducted simply by asking for the one's in favor and counting the number of "Raised Hands", followed by counting the "Raised Hand" for the one's against.
There are two kinds of Majorities which are used in a council:
i) Simple Majority: Simple majority is 50% + 1 of the total number of delegations present in the council.
ii) Special Majority: Special Majority is 2/3rd of the total number of delegations present in the council.